FREE Email Course: 100 Days of No-Code
Pre-enrollment open to my free email course. Launch: March 1st
Yesterday I had a quick idea: what if I could give someone 100 plug-and-play no-code workflows that use AI to save them time? Give you a quick win.
Of course, it’d be overwhelming, so I’d stagger it: send you one every single day, with a tutorial on how to set it up for yourself. I’d be available on Discord for support requests.
So the idea was born. I wanted to validate it so I made a post on Substack. I said if 100 people liked my post, I’d launch this as a free email course.
As you can see within 36 hours I got 175 likes to this post which blew my mind. I’m a man of my word so without further ado:
Introducing 100 Days of No-Code
I’m pre-launching this email course. I will send the first lesson on March 1st and the last lesson on June 9th. Even though I have tons of automations already (both mine and curated), I want to prepare properly, so give me a couple of weeks to get everything in order.
If you want to participate, subscribe to the landing page below. This will confirm to me that you want to join and that I should work on this.
Also: please tell your friends about this if you think this is valuable. I don’t believe in charging for knowledge so this is going to be free.
Here are the terms:
You will receive one email from me every day between March 1st and June 9th
Every email will contain a link
The link will lead to a Notion page for a specific workflow. The page will contain a description of the workflow, how hard it is, what it does, why it’s valuable, and what tools you need.
I will provide ongoing support on Discord as much as I can, depending on how busy I get
The whole thing is completely free
I will send you a link to give me a testimonial at around day 30
If you do, I will be over the moon.
(If you’re having trouble with the button, here’s the link:
Thank you for this. For me, practical examples are so valuable.